Music for Any Occasion

In addition to primary collaborators Gordon has a wide network of musicians to draw from, allowing him to put together an ensemble for many different types of situations including contra dances, private parties, weddings, funerals, or just background music.


There are wonderful experiences when playing with people we’ve never met before. The musical synergies go a long way to suggesting the possibilities for other common ground. I have played with new acquaintances, and sometimes on tunes I have never heard before, in the context of a dance where there is no time to stop and figure out the arrangement. The resulting creativity and spontaneity has left more than one fiddler in awe and appreciation. 


Some of the other folks Gordon enjoys playing with

Lisa Baglione ~ singer

Nat Backes ~ fiddle, guitar, accordion, concertina

Sarah Bauhan - flute and whistle

Carey Bluhm ~ fiddle

Amy Cann ~ fiddle, caller

David Cantieni ~ woodwinds

Samuel Foucher ~ accordion

Matt Harris ~ fiddle

Scott Lemire ~ fiddle, banjo

Jane Orzechowski ~ fiddle

Spencer Peery ~ electric guitar

Eve Pierce

Harvey Tolman ~ fiddle

Roger Treat ~ fiddle

Rhine Singleton ~ guitar, singer

Deanna Stiles - flute and fiddle

At the Salt Hill Pub in Newport: Randy Miller, Sarah Bauhan, Jane Orzechowski, Skip Gorman

At the Salt Hill Pub in Newport: Randy Miller, Sarah Bauhan, Jane Orzechowski, Skip Gorman