This concert was held at the Apple Hill Center for Chamber Music on July 10, 2018 The first half of this program (not included here) featured Jazimina performing with Dan Segwick, piano, and Marji Gere, violin. The second half of the program opens with two songs by Miriam Sharrock which were written for lyrics of songs from E. W. Locke, a subject of Gordon and Jazimina’s Heart and Home project. The concert continued with three songs from Locke for which music was available, a song from the Hutchinson Family, Gordon’s arrangement of a tune by Bob McQuillen with words by Richard Nevell, and finally, Gordon’s original (and locally famous) Hills of Nelson.
The concert was recorded by Miriam Sharrock.
There were three songs by E.W. Locke used in this program for which the music as well as the lyrics were available. Each one was preceded by a reading from Locke’s book which was deemed to be an appropriate preface. The selections were narrated by Henry Walters. Joining Jazimina in the chorus of each song were students who were in attendance at Apple Hill for their summer program.
The Bereaved Mother is from the Hutchinson Family, of Milford, New Hampshire, who made quite a name for themselves touring extensively and singing songs of social awareness - they were strong abolitionists.